
Gloomy Days can be Good Days

Rain is sprinkling against the window and a foggy mist is drifting in from the coast. After two days of warm partial sunshine, I suppose it's no surprise that the gloomy weather has rolled in. As long as I don't allow the clouds to weigh on my mind, it should be a good day! Clarissa and I are planning on wandering to town in a bit to get some groceries and knitting supplies. I want to make a scarf! These photos were taken a few days ago on a different wander into town.

Rognan Hotel

Bakery that closes at 15:00

Even the trees need sweaters


  1. I love your photos!!! I see my hotel, too!!! That wooden sign looks very Viking-ish. So cool!!! Keep up the awesome blog. I look forward to reading it every day!! So, that is salt water, right? Have you seen any critters?

  2. Have you been to that bakery?
